Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Be a Dreamer

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ― Harriet Tubman

I love inspirational quotes like this. Whenever I am feeling like I can’t get anything done and like there is no point in trying I always look up quotes like this one and they help me get out of my depression or whatever it is and I keep pushing forward. Harriet Tubman was a wonderful courageous leader that stood up for what she believed in. She hated being treated like an animal and she hated seeing her family and friends die from being beaten to death. She raised her voice and took a stand. Sure she knew know what the consciences would be if she was caught but she was willing to risk her life to set her family and friends free. She is a wonderful person to look up to, and is most defiantly one of my heroes. I want to one day be able to be as brave as Miss Tubman and make a difference in other people’s lives. I want to help others. I don’t care about fame like others might, fame doesn’t always help others. There are so many other ways to help people without being famous. Just simple small things like raising money to help the homeless can help and they are grateful for it. I might be just one person, but I have friends and my friends have friends and if we all help each other we can all make a difference together.

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