This is one of the greatest men I know. He is such an inspiration in my life. He always knows what to say when I am feeling down, and even if he doesn't know it, he has made a huge impact in my life. I could not imagine a better headmaster.
Dear Students,
You are at the end of a very meaningful and intense semester. You have worked hard, and have a few more days of hard work in front of you. I have been thinking about you this morning. I know many of you are doing more work and harder work than you've ever done before.
As I was thinking about you, I began thinking about a few things I have learned in my own academic pursuits. I decided, heck, why not share a few with you?
So, here are a few things I believe. Maybe they're relevant during the last couple of days of your semester.
• I believe we are all connected. I think when you conquer academic challenges on your own, in your own home, wherever it may be; it somehow makes us all a little better. I can't explain it, but I believe it.
• I believe we all have a voice of character and integrity within us - we usually don't need someone else to tell us when we're cutting corners or taking the easy way out. We can sense it ourselves.
• I believe that hard work and academic discipline always pay off. Sometimes the payoff won't come until some point later in life, but they always pay off. ALWAYS! Your hard work, regardless of grades or goals or glory, will always pay off at some point in your life. Trust me on this.
• I believe every one of you is a genius in some way.
• I believe genius doesn't just manifest itself; it only rises to the surface when it's called upon. What conditions wake up our genius? Challenges. Big challenges. When you are challenged the most, your genius is most likely to rise to the surface. When you're in your comfort zone, your genius has the luxury of being lazy. This is hard to see when you're in the challenge itself, but this becomes clear in retrospect, after you've conquered it or even been beaten.
• Positive thoughts are the key to success. Every time you face a negative thought, just look it in the eyes, and then bid it farewell. Stay positive. No matter what the situation is, you can always smile and enjoy working hard.
I love you guys. You're all gifted, incredible, talented geniuses. You got this. End Fall Semester knowing you gave all you had.
Mr. Ure
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