“Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ~ G.K. Chesterton
I believe that the dragons are really bullies, struggles in our lives; it can even be the world itself. They are both very existent, and they can be defeated, we just need courage and strength to do so. It only takes those two things to be able to defeat your greatest challenges, or at least for me that’s all I need. Another useful thing for me when I am going through a hard time and feel like I am all alone, I pray to my father in heaven. God can be your best friend if only you will let him be. For me, I know I can tell God anything and he will understand and he will comfort me. I am very grateful for the knowledge of my Father in Heaven. He is the best listener, and comforter I can think of, and he gives me strength to push forward and keep strong.
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