Wednesday, March 7, 2012


“Life is not breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.” ~ George Strait

We need to make life worth making. Life can be very boring if we don’t try to do anything to make it exciting. I like to once in a while do something random and spontaneous just to make my life interesting and full of surprises. You can’t always predict what your life is going to turn out to be, so make it worthwhile and love unconditionally, always forgive but never forgot, and make your life the way you want it to be.

Yes You Can!

“I know God won't give me anything I can't handle.” ~ Mother Teresa

                This quote is so true. In the bible God said that he would never give us any trails that we can’t handle. It’s our choice though whether we get through them or not. There are only two things that can happen when you are having a trial in your life, you grow, learn and get stronger from it, or you let it take over your life and ruin. Personally I like the first choice better. Don’t ever give up when life gets tough and it seems like nothing will ever be right. I promise that if you stay strong and never give up it will always be worth it in the end. You have to have the desire to keeping going otherwise you won’t keep going and you won’t get stronger. I honestly like trials, at the time I don’t but when I look back at one of my trials I think “Wow that really did change me and make me stronger.” It helps me be more grateful for the things I have and my wonderful life, and my trials help bring me closer to God.


“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.” ― Maya Angelou

This is very important. People always blame other people when they aren’t happy, when really they have the power to change and be happy. You just have to find out how to change it, and if you can’t change the problem, then change the way you see it, and don’t let it control how you feel. I have to do that a lot when I get mad and frustrated, or sad and depressed. I try to figure out what is causing my sadness and try to change it. If that doesn’t work then I say to myself “I need to change the way I am looking at this situation and change my attitude.” It’s no good to go through life hating everything around you because of a situation that you can change, it’s not fair to everyone else, and it is a waste of your time. There was a time where I was sad and depressed all the time, and it really worried my friends, and they would always ask me if I was okay. All I did was shut them out. I was mad at everyone and everything around me. I didn’t want to have anything to do with the people around me. It was terrible. One day one of my friends came up to me and instead of asking if I was okay he said “I know you’re not okay, and I know you don’t care what I have to say, but I want you to be happy, it worries me seeing you like this. Be Happy! Smile!” Then he gave me a hug and told me that he was going to give me a letter every day until I was happy again. And after about a week of him giving me letters telling me to be happy and that everything will be okay, I finally started to be happy again. All it took was one friend to tell me that he was worried about me and wants me to be happy. Now whenever one of my friends is feeling down, I do the same. Don’t tell someone that you know what they are going through because the chances are, you don’t. Just let them know you are there for them, and try to help them see the way they are looking at something. Help them think positive!


“Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.”  -Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)


                J.K. Rolling is a very good writer. She inspires me to become a better writer. She comes up with amazing quotes like this one that give you inspiration. This kind of reminds me of our economy right now. It’s like we are in the dark right now, then one day someone will come along and flip the switch back on and we won’t be in there any longer. This is the time when people need to learn to put their electronics down and use their imagination. Children very rarely use their imaginations anymore. My cousin lived in Colorado for about a year and she told me that there was this little kindergartener that had an iPhone. How freaking crazy is that! It’s so sad to see what parents do to keep their kids occupied. Oh the days when families would spend time together instead of being “Plugged in”. It’s just sad. It’s no wonder our country is the way it is people don’t communicate like they used to.

Be a Dreamer

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ― Harriet Tubman

I love inspirational quotes like this. Whenever I am feeling like I can’t get anything done and like there is no point in trying I always look up quotes like this one and they help me get out of my depression or whatever it is and I keep pushing forward. Harriet Tubman was a wonderful courageous leader that stood up for what she believed in. She hated being treated like an animal and she hated seeing her family and friends die from being beaten to death. She raised her voice and took a stand. Sure she knew know what the consciences would be if she was caught but she was willing to risk her life to set her family and friends free. She is a wonderful person to look up to, and is most defiantly one of my heroes. I want to one day be able to be as brave as Miss Tubman and make a difference in other people’s lives. I want to help others. I don’t care about fame like others might, fame doesn’t always help others. There are so many other ways to help people without being famous. Just simple small things like raising money to help the homeless can help and they are grateful for it. I might be just one person, but I have friends and my friends have friends and if we all help each other we can all make a difference together.


 I open the door to that old dance room. The purple walls, the wood floor, the mirror and the bars. They are all so familiar from years before. I step into the room as music starts in my head; my body suddenly remembers the dance from years ago when I was ten. I dance around the room without a care in the world, dancing with emotions that I never knew I had. I dance with all my heart until the music stops, then I take one more sad glance at the room I never forgot. As I step out of that room I know there will come a day, when I will step in that room and feel the same way again.

Eagles in Flight

Have you ever taken the time to watch an eagle fly? If not the next time you see an eagle just stop whatever it is that you are doing and watch it, just watch what it does, and how it flies. I sometimes wish I could be an eagle. Eagles are so free and they can go where ever they would like. They are strong leaders. Eagle is the symbol of our nation. We are supposed to be a strong united nation, like our symbol, the eagle.

Not Just Fairy Tales

“Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

                I believe that the dragons are really bullies, struggles in our lives; it can even be the world itself. They are both very existent, and they can be defeated, we just need courage and strength to do so. It only takes those two things to be able to defeat your greatest challenges, or at least for me that’s all I need. Another useful thing for me when I am going through a hard time and feel like I am all alone, I pray to my father in heaven. God can be your best friend if only you will let him be. For me, I know I can tell God anything and he will understand and he will comfort me. I am very grateful for the knowledge of my Father in Heaven. He is the best listener, and comforter I can think of, and he gives me strength to push forward and keep strong.

Youer Than You!

                I love this quote by Dr. Seuss. It’s very inspirational and reminds me that I am me and there is no one else like me. It reminds me to love who I am and not change to be like other people. I don’t need to follow the recent trends to fit in. Fitting in shouldn’t matter. I just need to be me and let my light shine! I am me and no one else can change that. No one else on this earth looks exactly like me, or thinks exactly like me. I’m me, and I am unique. I won’t let anyone change who I am, because like Taylor Swift said “If you’re lucky enough to be different, don’t you ever change.”