Life sucks. People die. People cry. Life just isn't fair. People are selfish. People get hurt. People just really don't care.
That's what life seems like a lot. Or at least that's how mine seems to be. But I know that's not how life really is. Suuure life sometimes knocks you down, but you wanna know what I've learned? You just have to get right back up, dust yourself off, look life in the eyes and tell it "you hit like a whimp." (<--- life quote there) That's what you have to do. You can't give up no matter how much you might want to.
A couple weekends ago I broke my collarbone, and I have been slightly depressed because I can't do anything other than sit here in my nice big chair. It seriously sucks. But, I keep reminding myself that it's not the end of the world.
One of my favorite poets is Robert Frost, and he once said "If there is one thing I have learned about if is that 'it goes on.'
Sure and broken collarbone, or let's say, (for all intents and purposes) and broken heart, may seem like the end of the world at the time, but guess what, it's not. You have a whole life ahead of you too live and enjoy. So pick your self up off the ground and let your light shine bright. Show the worls that you can't be pushed around and that you are the ruler of your own life. You get to control what you do and what happens.
No matter how hard life gets just remember that it is your life and you have the power to control it. Make the most out of your life. Make your life and this world, beautiful.
~Princess Rebecca Lynn