Okay I got a lot of candy, but not even CLOSE to as much as my friend Forrest got. He got about 4 times as much as me. Lol it's crazy. I started freaking out when he showed me how much candy he got. Lol then I told him he was going to get sick from eating all that candy. ::) I will post pics of my costume hopefully tomorrow. Night. :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Bored in the Car
Hahaha okay so I have a good explanation for the looks on our faces in this picture… We were bored. Okay so maybe that’s not the BEST reason but hey what ever. Lol enjoy laughing at this picture
Happy Halloween! :D
Hey Guys! Happy Halloween! So my costume for Halloween is a Faery! I am kind of like a bad faery since my costume is black and dark purple, but yeah, it’s pretty rockin’ awesome if I do say so my self! Hope you guys all have an awesome Halloween and get TONS of candy! Oh and BE SAFE!!!!!! Love you guys!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I know I know, it's been a while.
Okay so I know it's been a long while since I have posted but sucks to be you, jk. ;) okay so my week was very crazy and I am now exhausted. So all day Monday I was studying for a test that I have this week. Then Tuesday I was also studying and I had hip hop and judo. So at hip hop I got to meet the most amazing hip hop teacher EVER!!!! (Mrs. Shannon!!) lol she was SUPER hyper and energetic! Shes pretty cool and I can't wait to have her as a teacher :) then Wednesday I had library and Mutual. And Chelsea came home!!! :D then Thursday was school then in the evening Judo. Then Friday I had school then roadshow!!!!! :D it was a TON of fun, but every one kept teasing me that I had to dance with Forrest. :P then that night Chelsea stayed the night and we watched Harry Potter and talked to Forrest. :D the. Saturday morning/afternoon we went to the temple then went to sam's club for pizza! It was a bunch of fun. Then we had about an hour at home the. We had the second night of roadshow! :D I was kind of in a really bad mood though and ignoring Forrest, and Chelsea because they were keeping secrets from me and it was really annoying. But then I talked to Rachel about it and after we were done talking I was in a some what better mood (Thank you Rachel!) so we did roadshow and all that fun stuff the. I went home and slept. Then I went to church today and Magen sat with me, and do did Chelsea, and they were talking and trying to talk to me and I would some times answer back, or try to tell them to be quite. Well one of the times that I was trying to tell them to be quite my dad just happened to look over and so now he is mad at me and wants me to ditch Magen as a friend :( I can't do that! I mean I am one of the only reasons she is still alive, and I don't want to give her any more reasons to kill her self. I mean Sis. Mabel's goal for us is to try to find someone that is need of a friend or is looking for an answer to their prayer and I think that Magen is that person, and so I can't just stop being friends with her in her greatest time of need just because dad doesn't like her. I just... I don't know what to do. I feel like I could break down and start crying at any second. I am really in need of some help. I feel like things are just wrong and it makes me sad, I need guidance.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Judo tournament
Ahhh!!! Okay so yesterday was my judo tournament!!!!! It was so much fun!!! I didn't win, but I still loved it, and I learned a LOT. I got third place though so I still got a Medal :) I can't wait till the next one! It will be a blast! Lol I was there from 9:00-6:30ish. It was CRAZY! :D here is a picture from when I got my medal! :) from left to right there is me, Tessa, and Sydney. :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Roadshow! Judo competition!Dance recital!
Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooo excited!!!! Okay so roadshow is coming up in about three weeks!!!! And it is going to be totally awesomazing!!!!!! we started planning it tonight and it's going to be SUPER cute!!! If you have see The Game Plan, it's kind of based on that. :) there is going to be singing, dancing, comedy and love!!! Haha the guys don't seem to thrilled about it.... But I guess that's what they get for putting a bunch of girls in charge. ;) lol! So NEXT WEEK on Saturday, I have my first ever JUDO COMPETITION!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooo excited and nervous at the same time!! I don't even know if I am ready yet! I think I am aloud to do it, but I always feel like I forget every thing that I am being taught! :( I hope I do good! Payton, (my "older brother") and helen HOPEFULLY are going to come watch! Ahhhh!!!!!! :D okay and then the last thing! Drum roll please!!! *drum roll* My dance recital!!!!!! It's on December 10th!!! Now unfortunately that is the date of my December judo tournament so I am going to have to skip judo so I can do my dance. But it is still going to be TONS of fun!!! Okay well I think that is all for now! I'll try to update again tomorrow! Love you guys! <3
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Wow so on October 18th it will be exactly a year since I last saw Chelsea. It doesn't seem like it's been a year, but at the same time it feels like it's been a lot longer than a year. I miss her so much. Sometimes I will be by my self, just thinking, and my mind wanders to her and then I just feel empty inside. It's terrible. I have only got to talk to her once since she left. And the only other way we are aloud to keep in touch is through letters. The only one out of my friends that even comes close to knowing what happened is Sabrina, and I'm not even sure if she knows every thing. Some times I wish that we would just talk about what happened to help me feel a little better. But we never do. So I am left alone to think about her. There's not a day that I don't miss her or think about her. She was like a sister to me. She was my best friend. We knew each other inside and out. She practically lived at my house. I saw her almost every day. Why did I have to lose my best friend? I feel empty and hollow with out her here by my side. It may not seem like I am going through any pain. Outside I may be smiling, but inside I'm slowly dying. my heart feels like it could break at any moment and boys, I have learned do not help that feeling at all. I miss her. I keep hoping she will come back home.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Football game!!!!!
Okay so tonight I went to a football game but this wasn't just any football game it's the potato bowl! And its when Wasilla and Palmer go against each other! It was a blast!! Oh and Wasilla won! I mean I really didn't care who won but I feel kind of bad for my cousins because they are on Palmer and they lost and football means a great deal to them. :\ but I guess Wasilla won fair and square. But so yeah I got to hang out with my friends Tyler, Magen and Logan! We had so much fun! And Tyler and Logan are on the pep rally thing so they got to play music there. It was pretty Cool! And I am going to see if I can go to the game that is next week! Oh and so tonight after the game there were fireworks!!!!!! They were amazing!!!! I loved them! They were beautiful!!!! :D I kind of wish I go to school because when I was walking around with my friends they knew practically everyone and I only knew a couple people. I really really wish sometimes that I'mu not home schooled and that I go to school. All my friends that go to school all seems to enjoy it a lot. *sigh* never once have I been to school. It kind of makes me sad. I feel like I've missed out on a big part of my life. I mean most kids think that homeschooling would be awesome because you get to sleep in, but really I honestly think I would rather go to school because I am always bored and lonely because I have no one to talk to or see besides my family. I mean I know at school you don't really get to talk all that much but at least you get to see your friends, where as the only time I really ever see friends Is in the morning durning seminary, and even then I don't really get to talk to them. :(
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